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What can I talk about with a Registered Dietitian?

Melissa Goode is a non-diet, weight-inclusive registered dietitian that is passionate about the prevention and treatment of eating disorders. 

I'm Melissa!

Hello, hello!

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Deciding to reach out to a Registered Dietitian (RD) is a significant and courageous act. Along with this decision come a range of emotions—fear, anxiety, excitement, hopefulness, curiosity, and nervousness. Name the emotion, and it’s likely a common experience. Many of these nerves stem from not knowing what to expect from an RD.

Let’s play a quick game. I’ll say a word, and you respond with what first comes to mind: “Dietitian”….”MEAL PLAN, FOOD POLICE, RIGHT AND WRONG, GOOD AND BAD.” Just kidding…sort of (lol). In all seriousness, these are real concerns I hear from new patients. There are many types of RDs, each with a unique approach to practice. Often, people ask, “What will we address in our sessions?” It’s a great question because the field of nutrition can encompass a wide range of topics. Starting this journey can feel like pulling names out of a hat, and it’s no wonder you’re nervous!

So let’s discuss what you might (or might not) talk about with a Registered Dietitian. Please note that not all RDs practice the same way; we each have our own styles, perspectives, and areas of focus. For context, I am a non-diet, weight-inclusive RD specializing in women’s health, eating disorders, and disordered eating. While I can’t speak for all RDs in similar fields, many of us in the non-diet, weight-inclusive space share similar approaches.

Here are some things you might discuss with your RD:

  • Your current and past relationship with food
  • Body image throughout your life
  • Relationship dynamics related to food and bodies (caregivers, parents, children, partners, family members, friends)
  • Diet culture (social media, marketing, societal messages, etc.)
  • Weight and weight stigma (thoughts, concerns, comments from peers, messages from other health professionals, etc.)
  • Self-esteem and confidence
  • Foundations of nutrition
  • Nutrition for specific medical conditions (medical nutrition therapy)
  • Meal timing
  • Recipes and meal/snack ideas
  • Intuitive Eating
  • Body respect and appreciation
  • Hydration
  • Lab values
  • Food trends: fact or fiction
  • Advocating for yourself with other health professionals
  • Grocery shopping
  • Access to food and food security
  • Community food resources

And there’s so much more!

I hope this blog post helps you take a deep breath and feel more at ease as you begin your journey with an RD. Remember, you have the autonomy to choose what you discuss with your RD (or any healthcare professional). If you’re still feeling nervous or overwhelmed, know that you’re not alone. Your bravery is acknowledged and appreciated!

If this post resonated with you, please consider reaching out to start your own (brave!!!) nutrition journey with me. I offer 1:1 virtual nutrition counseling covered by insurance and I am committed to making you feel seen, heard, and valued from the comfort of your home. Fill out my interest form here and we can see if we’re a good fit for YOUR needs.

Melissa Goode is a non-diet, weight-inclusive registered dietitian that is passionate about the prevention and treatment of eating disorders. 

I'm Melissa!

hey there!

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